Christmas Past
Yesterday, Christmas Eve, my wife asked me to take our daughter out of the house for a few hours so she could wrap and decorate all the presents. So, we put on our jackets and rainboots and went adventuring.
We stomped through puddles, fished out earthworms, met some neighbors, and ended up at the playground where we climbed the highest nets and pretended to be pirates and vampire bats.
Enjoying the present made me think about the past. My oldest memory is of Christmas with my father. I vividly remember my Dad taking me to Cismigiu Park on Christmas Eve. It was snowing and so he pulled me on a sled. I remember him teaching me how to sled down a slope. When we got back home the Christmas tree was decorated and my Grandpa disguised as Santa Claus arrived to deliver presents.
My Dad died almost twenty years ago and it felt nice to be part of a moment that connected the past and the present so well. It was a numinous experience that filled me with joy.
Love the present and make beautiful memories that will return in the future and bring you joy.
Merry Christmas