Sep 15Liked by Alexandru Constantin

Excellent response!

I was nodding in agreement as I read every part.

I think one point worth mentioning is that while the term "Jew' is thrown around as an umbrella term, It can refer to a religion, a culture, or an ethnicity.

George Soros is ethnically Jewish but culturally and religiously secular and he is Satan to most religious Jews I know.

The ADL is culturally Jewish but not religious. Every time I hear them use and abuse the "antisemite card" I roll my eyes.

Orthodox Jews are extremely conservative and pro-America and consider Secular Jewish libs in the media and Hollywood as wayward brethren that are Jewish in name only.

It's a complicated subject and gets even more complex when you realize that even within orthodox Judaism, multiple sub-sects have radically different views on everything, Zionism included.

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It doesn't help that the people who have had almost no interaction with actually Jews but have a vague belief that Jews are bad are likely to target the most visibly Jewish Jews, i.e., orthodox Jews, even though orthodox Jews are not the ones they have a problem with.

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Sep 15Liked by Alexandru Constantin

Growing up I was the only person of Jewish heritage for miles around, so you're spot on with the whole, most people have never actually met a Jew thing. Which is even more funny with how the difference in cultures define what a Jew is: on my dad's side I wasn't considered Jewish but on my mom's (Anglican) side I was The Jewish One (my sister got a pass because she didn't "look Jewish"... so that didn't affect me negatively in any way.) So I've always felt sort of... out of place and likely contributed to my edgy atheist phase. My father was also not a stereotypical Jew. He worked in the mines and pipelines, and if anyone called him a slur he'd knock their teeth in. Big, strong guy, and he absolutely HATED the scrawny, weak jew stereotype.

All that said, since the early 2010s I've noticed a really odd increase in antisemitism from the left... but it's all very subtle and weaselly. Just look at the Women's March way back when... Headed by a known antisemite and there were tons of cases of Jewish women kept from organizational meetings because they were (conveniently) Too White, so they were told in order to keep leadership meetings diverse they should stay home... uh, ok. So on the left, Jews are white when convenient? At least the right uses simple language when referring to Jews.

I could rant more about this stuff but I can tell already I'm not being super coherent (in bed with a fever today) so I'll have to get back to you.

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The scrawny Jew thing drives me insane.

I belong to a group of Jewish MMA/Bodybuilding types. Not all Jews say "oy vay" while using scrawny arms to shovel bagels in their mouth.

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Same here lol

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This was a thoughtfully articulated, honest, and fair analysis of a very thorny, nuanced, complicated topic. Speaking for myself, I am not anti-Jewish, any more than I am anti-black. I just refuse to be anti-white, and when terms like "antisemitism" and "racism" are dishonestly redefined to effectively mean "opposed to the ongoing degradation of whites," then I find myself on the same side as the old school racists and antisemites. It doesn't have to be this way, but that's how it is. I'm only "racist" or "antisemitic" in the same way that someone who hates the CIA's history of color-revolutions and regime-changes is "anti-American," where they hate the CIA, not every individual American whom they've never even met.

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Sep 15Liked by Alexandru Constantin

The term Antisemite has been weaponized to guilt the opposition.

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It does feel rather like all "the Jews are the source of all bad things" stuff going around is a pushed talking point. No idea where it's coming from or why, but since it's a bunch of people all at once... I just take note of who's doing it in my feed, and then start looking for other things that look like talking points. Three strikes you're out.

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Very objective post on a topic that doesn't get much objectivity. A history that selected for high machiavellian intelligence and nepotism means that at a societal level when the going is good its good, but when the going gets bad you catch most of the blame, some deserved, some not. As you pointed out, you can set your watch by the authorship of anti-white radio Rwanda articles, which has given many raised on the WW2 myth and holocaustianity significant whiplash. Getting this sorted out before the empire either collapses or Sulla inevitably crosses the river probably behooves everyone.

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Very articulate and interesting conversation. I agree with Daniel. I have no issues with anyone race or religion until it crosses and obstructs my path. I think the Jews have have a fairy lopsided presence in law, medicine and media. However that may be because they have right families and value education. They expect more from their children. That shouldn’t be a negative thing.

It is odd however, that Jews have been hated and persecuted for almost the entirety of human history. I mean Christians were persecuted, but became dominant and normal. Jews never seemed to get out of that phase of pissing the world off. Just an observation. I have no answer to it.

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'It is odd however, that Jews have been hated and persecuted for almost the entirety of human history.'

It's because they were parasitic in premodern societies and are (still) subversive/revolutionary in modern states. Believe it or not I use all these adjectives in the most value-neutral sense possible. No insult is intended; I genuinely can't think of a more...sensitive way to put things.

Incidentally, I can hardly believe how far KMac's stocks have fallen in RW circles (maybe only on substack, where to many he probably CODeS As LOw StAtUs). His accounting for disproportionate Jewish influence and accompanying subversive force by means of group-selected nepotism+high IQ is solid. IQ alone under-explains it.

It's not reasonable to expect RW Jews to jump out of their skin, but to me they would seem a lot more credible if they were to concentrate a bit (no need to overdo it) on exposing Jewish tribalism and its negative effects on huwhite gentiles, which are far from trivial: minimising nepotism in public university admissions and destroying the lobby in order to cut off tax dollars to Israel are two of the most pressing problems. Fiat/fractional-reserve banking remains the most important problem of all, and it's Jewish dominated too, but I doubt that correcting Jewish over-representation there will solve anything at this stage.

I don't know; maybe the real right is no longer fundamentally cosa nostra with a few honorary whites at the margins. Maybe it's destined to be a big-tent *solely ideological* coalition of ETHNICALLY DIVERSE peoples (a bit like the left) whose only common interest is in opposing 'woke insanity' (unlike the left, obv).

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Sep 16Liked by Alexandru Constantin

The reason why Right wing Jews are not speaking up is a religious one. Orthodox jews believe that because of their sins they are in exile.

They are specifically commanded to be patriotic citizens if whatever country they find themselves in and keep a low profile.

The patriotism and and the low profile is slowly becoming a contradiction and there are huge internal debates if we should become more vocal on the national stage.

The reason why I am typing this now is because I do believe we should be more vocal denouncing the subversion of secular jews.

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'The reason why Right wing Jews are not speaking up is a religious one. Orthodox jews believe that because of their sins they are in exile.'

I'm not sure I follow the reasoning. I assume you mean that Orthodox Jews follow some sort of quietistic religious prohibition on speaking before their collective redemption. But isn't this just another example of anti-social Jewish particularism/separatism? It seems to me a strange 'patriotic' subculture that maintains its distinctness such that it refuses to speak up about problems confronting the society as a whole, whatever its reasons.

I don't doubt that Orthodox Jews are conservative and patriotic where their own community is concerned, or even that they love America for its *liberal* respect for their separatism, but this is not the same thing as speaking/acting in the interests of the national good. Isn't there a conflict here? Isn't 'liberalism' precisely the thing that Orthodox Jews love about America? Isn't the right therefore justified in regarding Orthodox Jews, if not as subversive, as not really American? I mean these as honest questions.

There are also plenty of 'liberal' Jews who are on the TRVE right now (the bar-mitzvahed 'mischling right' is an identifiable strand in it) who don't speak up about subversion or the lobby or nepotism but who go on *all the time* about DEI and wokism and the greatness of Trump. They're the kind of people I was referring to above.

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Orthodox jews don't speak about anything.

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That's cute. But I was asking you *why* it's so.

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Its hard to explain in shorthand but I will try.

From a religious stanpoint,being in spiritual exile,we believe that it isn't our place to meddle in politics. We are supposed to be upstanding citizens that fly the flag on July 4th and keep our mouths shut.

Also, we have learned from history that whenever we take a side, if the other side rises to power they kill us.

So we try to stay apolitical on a national level while being patriotic and active on a local level.

However, I personally think that times have changed and if we want America to survive we need to start speaking out.

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Ironically we get accused of controlling everything while simultaneously being anti social.

Would you rather we use our space lasers and Rothschild connections to control you or mind our own business?

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I'm sorry you responded in this way. As I said, my questions were genuine.

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> Incidentally, I can hardly believe how far KMac's stocks have fallen in RW circles (maybe only on substack, where to many he probably CODeS As LOw StAtUs).

Gee, I can't imagine why.

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I think that the louder, and more actively, Jews of any stripe can denounce Zionism and back it up with actions - the better results they'll get as the US empire crumbles.

There is a history of "The Jewish Question" and various "answers to the Jewish Question" in the West. When you have such people as Chesterton writing about it, I don't think that any amount of claiming antisemitism is honest in the face of such discussion, nor will do any good for the people on either side. All it will do is put off the answers, and make the results more violent.

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> I think that the louder, and more actively, Jews of any stripe can denounce Zionism and back it up with actions - the better results they'll get as the US empire crumbles.

"I think that the louder, and more actively, Whites of any stripe can denounce White privilege and back it up with actions - the better results they'll get as the US empire crumbles."

See how ridiculous you sound.

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Dude. You're comparing things that don't even correlate.

Is it their Empire? Are they the ones that founded it? Have they bleed for it? Did they create the institutions within it? Did they create any of the culture that is worth saving? Any of the religion or traditions worth saving? Did they do ANYTHING that is of worth or value, that took genuine sacrifice, hardship, and toil on their part?

Or are they, as you pointed out in the other comment, a people that are historically a minority that dominates legalistic and banking sectors, using them a pivot points over which to rule their hosting states. Instead of this, they could always work as partners to build the state up as their hosts desire.

But no, they would rather do things that guarantee to incur the ire of those that actually make things, build things, and do things of worth and value to the state.

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I guess my grandparents storming the beaches at D-DAY and being law abiding, patriotic citizens doesn't count for anything in your books...

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I specifically said as a people, and referred to institutions. If you can't grasp that there's a difference between the individuals, and that there is simply going to be group identification that goes on, then you won't address the problem.

This is the same with any group. We can't address black enslavement by democrats through entitlements, their destructive antifamily culture, or anything else if you focus on individuals.

We can't address the problems Catholics are having, or Protestants, or any other group, if you focus on individuals.

If you, in your pride, make it about YOU, then YOU are the problem.

I constantly try to address the problems of myself on a personal level, my family, my community, and my budding polity. Each of those require a different approach, acknowledgement of different problems, and death of self, or family even, at different times.

Deal with it.

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You sound like you copy-pasted a typical "Black Studies" rant with a few words changed.

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And you sound like you want to have a dishonest conversation - just like what I was pointing out in my original comment. This gets the Jewish people no where, and only ensures that we can't have actual conversations, but only actions between our peoples. Well, I tried.

Until then, go find another monkey to make dance.

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Fortunately most of "your people" are smarter than you.

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Exactly so; well put

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Some more thoughts for any Jewish peoples still reading - I understand Jews feeling uncomfortable with the situation. I'm certain I would be. I've been uncomfortable with the white hatred for years! So I know how it feels.

Just realize that, while we understand, the average white person's level of caring is dropping more and more day by day. This amount of caring is, by and large, directly proportionate to the ability they are able to provide for themselves, their family, and see other races and colors attack them without suffering. And I, if you look at my writing, have a very different understanding of those terms than the average person.

So - what discomfort the Jews are feeling is the same discomfort the white colored people have felt for 30 years - the playing field is leveling. You're not special, protected status any more.

And, when you're such a small minority, with such an outsized influence, that should scare the crap out of you. Historically, that leads to very bad outcomes.

Get your house in order, or GTFO, would be my advice. But I'm just a by stander, trying to get my own house in order. Me and mine won't be doing anything, but I can't say anything about others, that historically are more hot headed than my little corner of the world.

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> And, when you're such a small minority, with such an outsized influence, that should scare the crap out of you. Historically, that leads to very bad outcomes.

You do realize Jews have been dealing with versions of this problem, i.e., being a market dominant minority, for about two millenia.

> So - what discomfort the Jews are feeling is the same discomfort the white colored people have felt for 30 years

As the saying goes: "Welcome to the party, pal!"

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I do.

And they have a history of it ending... badly.

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It’s certainly a strange dynamic to not encounter many Jews in day to day life but rather in highly conspicuous positions of power in media and government. The process you’re describing seems similar to that of the US as a whole - the most prudent course of action is to extend the highly advantageous dynamic in which a tangible benefit is derived from the status quo yet for some reason a choice is made to blow that dynamic up and reap the whirlwind. 20, 30 years ago most of the world would have allowed the status quo to continue indefinitely but the US had to alienate everyone by pushing too hard. Same here...

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Christopher and Peter Hitchen’s mother (who committed suicide in Greece after abandoning their father for another man) was Jewish. Thus, Christopher and his brother are halachically Jewish, as well.

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So why did these upper echelon, NYC Jews pick up the pitchfork against Christians? Were they railing against insincerity?

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It's what rich secularists do, AFAICT. Fairly popular among gentiles in that class as well.

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Trying to destroy an enemy while he has no sense of himself. Christianity, historically, is an enemy of Jews from their perspective. Mainly because Jews tend to side with Muslims in wars of religion. People forget that bad Christians side with Muslims for political reasons, and vice versa, but that's all swept under the rug in the tides of history.

For many of them, they see themselves as much closer to Muslims, religion wise, than close to Christian. But that's not how Christians see it in modern times. We've forgotten that what we know of as modern Jewish religion (excluding the Orthodox Jews, to my knowledge) was a religion founded and remade after the destruction of the temple. It has very little to do with the Judaism that Christ practiced. But, again, most Christians never know that, nor think of it, and just assume all Jews are the same Jews as Christ.

They're not.

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