Jun 21, 2023Liked by Alexandru Constantin

All generations are failed. The vast bulk of all who are writing in every generation are producing horseshit. It's the rule of the game. The only difference is that in some generations there are a few more people doing good work than in others. It's always a tiny minority. The common lot of the great sea of writers is triviality or mediocre plagiarism of those with ideas. One's task is to work like a maniac to get out of that company. It usually doesn't happen, but at least one tries. Most of the fish do not struggle in the net of banality. They are happy to be caught there with all their dull-eyed fellows.

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I wonder if that’s the big problem with fiction now, bad content rather than bad form.

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Nobody has anything to say and the ones that do are timid.

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I have to believe this wish for such a scene, and our community is a start. Keep writing, I need it.

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I think fiction is one of the last reservations for truth in the public sphere. The trouble with masculine fiction is it easily slides over to pastiche or hyperbole like Bret Easton Ellis or Chuck Palahniuk.

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Great write up. I share your frustrations. I read older works for this reason, try to stay away from anything recently published (unless vetted by someone I trust), and try to study what makes great fiction - great. Time will tell if and when we get a new scene for art that is both imaginative and illuminating to the human soul.

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Raymond Carver.


Wait ..

Still thinking.

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What a refreshing article

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